Tuesday 3 June 2008

Biofuels Dr Richard J Harley

Richard J Harley, PhD, is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of fuellingthefuture.com, jatrophacurcas.org.uk, algaebiofuels.co.uk, and algaebiofuels.eu.

Dr. Harley has vast experience in setting up Biodiesel Crushing and Refining Processing Plants and working with Government and Private Investors to plan and plant in excess of 125,000 hectares of Jatropha Curcas plants (including intercropping with cash crops) and Crude palm Oil
(CPO) trees.

Dr Harley works as a consultant with Cargill and Wilmar International Limited

He is an expert in the following Feedstocks: CPO., Red Palm Oil, and Palm Kernel in South East Asia - especially Malaysia, Indonesia and Papa New Guinea (PNG). Also in Rapeseed United Kingdom (UK), and Europe, Canada and Europe. Corn North America Bio Ethanol, Soybean Oil in the USA, Sugarcane in Brazil and Mauritius, Jatropha Curcas in Africa, ROC China, South East Asia, South Africa, India, Madagascar, Middle East, Willow, Cotton Oil, Tung Tree, Hemp, Caster Bean, Kenaf, Pumpkin Seed, Pongamia Pinnata, Sunflower, Sesame, Cashew Nut, Coconut, Peanut, Rubber Seed, Cassava, Molasses, Potato, Sugar Beet, Olive Oil, Biogas, Oleo chemical, Eucalyptus, Switch grass, Rice, Miscanthus, Algae (Carbon Capture), Bio Plastics “Green Plastics”, Meat into Biofuels, Yellow Grease (kitchen fat), tallow, animal and vegetable fats, restaurant waste and trap grease, Carbohydrates, Cellulosic Technology – Lignocellulosic Technology, including “Bagasse”.

Dr. Harley is an expert in Feedstocks and Fertilizers (Potash ROC China and Vietnam).

He has advised in ROC China and Vietnam, UK., and America on all types of Biomass Feedstocks. He has worked on many Co-fired power station projects in the UK (DRAX with Willow Wood Pellets), and internationally.

He has an in depth knowledge of Multi-Faceted Bio refineries, the Transesterification Process, and Polyols for the plastic industry. Richard can also advise on Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Organic Sludge and other materials that contain hydrocarbons into mineral diesel oil, for example, Bio Gas. In addition, Biomass and Waste to Energy Systems.

Dr Richard can advise on Carbon Trading Certificates, their values and how to obtain them.

He can advise on European Commission / Union (EC/EU) Biofuels Directives up to 2020.

He can also advise on Brownfield Remediation and Decontamination in the EU., and the range of funding available. In addition, Sustainability Issues.

He can give expert advice on the ‘energy Inputs V’s Outputs’ required to produce a wide-range of energy crops.

He has written numerous articles and given many talks on Biofuels including articles for The Guardian newspaper, The Economist, The Sunday Times, The Harvard Business Review, The Wall Street Journal and a major report to the Energy Commission for Ghana. He has also commissioned and set-up Static and Mobile Biodiesel Refinery plants producing from B5 Biofuels blends upwards.

He is very knowledgeable in sourcing Seeds for Biodiesel plantations (costs per kilo, etc., plus seed planting and spacing). He can also advise on Glycerine production as a by-product. Also, Soap and Industrial Degreasing Production.

Dr Richard can undertake Due Diligence projects on behalf of clients.

Richard can also advise on the setting-up of a Biofuel factory at either a Green and / or Brownfield site – especially in the EU.

Dr Harley can advise on Wind Turbine Farms, Nuclear Power Plants and Tidal Wave Power Technology on a worldwide basis.

He can advise on Underground Coal Gasification (UCG), and ISO14001 Environmental Certification.

Finally, Dr Harley runs ‘Master Classes’ – ‘Teach-ins’ on all aspects of Biofuels.

He can be contacted on: Office: (D/L) 00441664501872. Mobile: D/L 00447904558388. Email: dr_richard_harley@yahoo.co.uk, dr_richard_harley@hotmail.com